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Roles and Responsibilities - SHED - Short Stay Unit Clerk


This quick reference guide provides staff an overview of the roles and responsibilities of the Clerical staff member responsible for the  coordination of the clerical and administrative activity of the SSU (previous name EOU – Extended Observation Unit)

The main role of the SSU Clerk is ensuring patient admission details are entered in accordance with the Victorian Admitted Episode Dataset (VAED) business rules.  The SSU Clerk works to ensure the patients have a positive experience. The SSU Clerk is also responsible for supporting the coordination of Specialist Clinics follow up should it be required.

The SSU Clerk will communicate closely with the Nurse In Charge (NIC) and/or Nursing staff to ensure all patients’ information is accurately entered and paperwork completed in a timely manner as required before scanning into medical records upon discharge or moved to another area.


This guide relates to all SHED SSU Clerical staff. The SSU Clerical staff are responsible for accurate data entry relating to patient details and inpatient stays. Updating relevant compensable information for finance and informing PLO for patients not entitled to Medicare bulk billing within Australia.  SSU Clerks also respond and manage patient inquiries put through from switchboard and then relayed to nursing staff for follow up.  SSU Clerk will also complete ADT (Admission, Discharge, and Transfer) process for patients moving through the Network.

Process Details

  1. Answer departmental phone calls
  2. iPM admission including signed admission form if not already obtained at Triage
  3. Print admission labels and replace existing in patient file
  4. Print POCSC wristband and facilitate replacement on the patient
  5. Complete SSU admission process for Adults edit iPM admission, EDIS screen work update, discharge from EDIS (check date is correct), page cleaner
  6. Book transport
  7. Enter patient details on Miya
  8. Admissions, Transfers and Discharge – ensuring the documentataion of accurate and timely information in EDIS and iPM that reflects the patient journey
  9. Outpatient appointment (Adult)
  10. SSU write backs and filing of documents
  11. Discharge SSU patients (including ward transfers)

Supporting Documentation

  • Position Description
  • Orientation handbook